The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 101: Update LXXXVII - Saber lately

Update LXXXVII - Saber lately

This update covers the events of Update LIV to LVI.

That's right, everyone, its time for the embodiment of wasted potential that is Week 6!

So let's get the world's worst mystery started.

At least this week will be quick, now that I can skip the majority of it.

None other than our next opponent. They conceal their name along with their Servant's. How thorough. Praetor. We will need a new tactic for this next enemy.

Music: School I

God I can't wait for Extra Record to completely revamp this week in particular.

Get the Lapel Badge.

And into the Arena.

Music: Fear

This Master is a sneaky one, so it would be wise for us to watch out for traps as we proceed deeper.

First scene.

Gain a level.

Second scene.

And the gate.

Saber takes a fighting stance as the enemy closes in. I stop breathing. Time slows to a crawl. ...Nothing happens? As I nervously grind my teeth, Saber's stance relaxes.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Saber's right. That feeling of being chased is totally gone. But why...? Are they trying to deceive us by obfuscating their presence...?

Highly unlikely. If this opponent is as skilled as the Assassin from the fifth round it is possible, but I believe the correct assumption is that they retreated.

Whoever the enemy is and whatever they wanted, they're gone now. They must have their reasons, not that I understand. While I mull over the mystery, Saber notices something over by the door.

look at the clues that have been left in this door, Master.

Right, the door without a switch. In other words, my opponent hacked into the Arena and modified it. Maybe the enemy returned because they had already blocked my access to the Trigger in advance?

All we can do is retreat and come up with a plan.

Music: School III

Your opponent this time is a magus capable of altering the Arena. I won't have you losing to them. The lapel badge you picked up at the fountain and the barrier— You have much to investigate.

Music: Down to Dawn

Nero's yellow chat shows up quickly this week.

But lately, I've given some serious thought to the future. Two more battles. I've struggled tooth and nail to survive, and now I'm one of the four remaining participants. Why am I fighting? What do I want from the Holy Grail? How many Wizards have died so far? It's too much to think about, the costs too high to calculate. I figured out what I am, but all I really honed in this hellish prep period was my survival instinct. I don't want to disappear. I don't want to die. Not without leaving something meaningful behind. —But, I have no home to return to. ...I can forget this stuff when I'm fighting, but it hounds me when I try to relax. Will I be able to survive? What will be waiting for me after the war? Do I deserve to live?

I look up in response to Saber's scolding. Her beautiful face has a severe but knowing look.

...Very well. You have time on your hands, so let us talk. I have inquired about the details of your life before, hoping to learn the intricacies of your character.

When you did not provide a concrete answer, I was a bit disappointed in you for being so reserved. But, it was cruel of me to expect more when you have been undergoing great mental conflict. Only you can come to terms with your past. I cannot alleviate your pain for you. So, let us talk of something more positive. I will not begrudge you this momentary diversion, Praetor. Besides, the end of the Holy Grail War is near. As a Servant, I need to know my Master's wish.

Saber asks the big question. The Holy Grail can grant any wish. What would I wish for?

To keep living as I am.

The first two options give the same result.

Yes, that's my wish. It's the same thing any person would wish for. But, it's something that'll happen anyway—without the transcendental power of the Holy Grail. "Please let me live to see tomorrow." People take the future for granted, unless they're in dire straits. That's not a good wish. Then, my wish is— I guess I'm still undecided.

...? Saber's taking my indecisive response better than I thought. She's even smiling! My answer's the same stupid thing as last time, does she figure that I've grown?

Your current answer is not the same. "Undecided" means you don't have an answer, but you are looking. Quite different from last time, when you claimed to have no wishes! ...Well, your selflessness still dissatisfies me, but at least your vibrant expression is pleasing! You look beautifully determined. The way your eyes reflect light reminds me more of the stars than the sun. The light in your eyes is a bright twinkling in a dark firmament.

I fluster under her open affection. ...And hey, isn't that metaphor a little over the top, even for Saber?

It is not excessive praise! I am saddened you will take the stars with you when you leave me. But, stars are necessarily distant, so it would be foolish to think my personal feelings could stop you.

As a token of my appreciation for this discussion, no topic will be off-limit.

I'd like that. Next time we have a down moment, I'll ask Saber about herself—


To have fun and never work! Whee!

Yeah, that's it. Nothing else stands out in my mind as more true. Money, love, and power make the world go 'round. A flash of light blazes through my magic circuits. Aagh, my thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched!

Denied. Do you want to become rust upon my sword?

That was a scathing comeback for something that even Saber knew was a joke. ...But, I don't think Saber is in any position to lecture me when it comes to luxury or debauchery! I can't think of another Heroic Spirit who indulged in luxury to the degree she did.

I spared no expense entertaining and appeasing my citizens. Oh, fine. I emptied the coffers of Rome, and that was foolish. But, it went to good causes! And it was mine to spend anyway! All I did was show my people what would happen if they continued to rely on other cultures for wealth! In a way, I did them a favor by putting an end to Rome's prodigal years. Do you disagree?!

I'm jealous of her personal theater.

Every option gives the same result here.

S-Silence! I only did what I thought was right. Now, let the past lie! Do not bother wishing for something so plebeian! I-If you wish, I can arrange a harem for you. Instead, wish for something you cannot have otherwise. Wishes are ideals that cannot be achieved through any normal means. What is in your mind?

...My mind, my ideals... In other words, what makes me human. "I want to live." "I don't want to die." My mind is where my animal instincts become refined to the point where I can perceive beauty and affection. There are things I love. There are things I can't stand. I want to hold hands with someone. I want to hurt someone. If I'm mere data, where does that spectrum of emotions come from? My fights have aroused a variety of emotions in me, as well as in my opponents. Oh, maybe— I probably picked things up from them. Empathy allows humans to mimic and learn from each other's emotions. Whoever I was before, and whatever my wish was, I'm different now. My once-empty brain is filled with memories, and my wish is... I guess I'm still undecided.

Is that so. Very well. I simply do not know what I'm going to do about you, Master.

Saber takes my indecisive response better than I thought she would. She's even smiling. ...She knows there's a difference between people without wishes and those seeking them. Even though I don't have an answer to her question yet, she can see that I've grown.

I'll allow you a passing grade for that somewhat satisfactory conversation.

I'd like that. Next time we have a down moment, I'll ask Saber about herself—

As that 'one question' implies, this is the prereq for Nero's Level E Matrix next week.

Talk to Leo.

Talk to Rani.

Talk to Leo again.

Music: Breach

And run into Rin.

This is no good. We must gain some distance, Praetor. Deeper! We must form a plan against this foe.

One bit of running later...

Music: None

What manner of folly is this?! I simply cannot fathom our enemy's motives this time...

It's unsettling to not know what the opponent is up to, but it seems there is no longer any danger. They hunt us down twice, and pull back at the last second. It does feel like they're avoiding conflict. —Are they being hesitant? If so, why? And if not, what's the real reason?

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

We now are at liberty to hack into that meddlesome door with the Harway lapel badge.

It is unnerving not to know the identity of our opponent, but at least we have acquired a Trigger.

Get the Trigger.

And then do something fun with the Nephilim.

Music: Battle - Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea

See, Nero has one of the more out there room chat requirements.

Namely: Using her Noble Phantasm on regular enemies.

The problem, however, is just dragging a fight out long enough to use the damn thing. With this much damage, only a Nephilim has enough bulk to have a chance at lasting long enough.

And even then, I have to make heavy use of cheats and savestates to minimize damage from tied attacks.

This took... a while.

And just think, I have to do this several more times!

Gain a level.

And leave.

Music: School III

Music: School I

You would have never survived such an attack. If it hit you, you'd be dead right now.

Time for lunch.

Lunch time over.

To make matters worse, your behavior was...boorish and insensitive in the extreme!

She obviously went through a great deal of trouble just to make something special for you! Though she may be our enemy, I feel you should make amends somehow, perhaps with a gift of salt.

Nero going out of her way to call Rani our enemy feels a bit strange here, considering she's been helping us since Week 4. Tamamo called her a (love) rival, for comparison.

Your inability to appreciate the subtleties of a woman's emotions is appalling! Now, go after her!

Nero has an unmarked chat today.

Saber plays with the hem of her red dress as she speaks. What could she want to set straight? I don't know Saber perfectly, but I'm no ignoramus...

We must speak of clothing. I hear one Heroic Spirit is a female who dressed as a man to be king. As a result, history recorded her as male. Hiding her gender must have been convenient in keeping order. I do praise her determination, but my reasons for preferring men's clothes were quite different.

Now I'm seeing her flamboyant side. Why did Saber bring this up? Is it important that I know about her cross-dressing...or rather, about her dressing habits? She's implying that—

Indeed, I love both men and women. I love all humans, without regard to their gender. That is another thing I wish to set straight. I do not consider gender when I devote myself to a person.

...Nero already had a room chat mentioning that she's bisexual in Week 1. Did we really need a second this far in?

Saber puffs out her chest proudly, apparently immune to any pricks of conscience on the matter. ...Oh man. Should I consider her remarkably humanitarian, or polymorphously perverse? Just when I think I've gotten to know her, she pushes aside the curtain to reveal more mysteries.

That was the end of the chat too. Nero just really wanted to mention that she's bi as hell, I guess.

You know, there's a non-zero chance that I completely max out Nero's Strength by the end of the game.

Have you prepared for entering the Arena? If we are to train, we must have the necessary items.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor


Use Nero's NP again.


Music: School III

To rely on that woman's Mystic Code runs counter to my values, but I shall permit it! However! If you had bolstered my strength, such a thing would be unnecessary. You know what you must do. Devote yourself to the Arena, and supply me with the usual magic.

God, I can't believe that so little happens this week that I can tear through half of it in a single update.

Next time: At least it'll only take one more update to finish.